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  • Our mission

    A joining of two passions. Turtle's love for coffee roasting and Jamielee's love of gardening, food justice, and food sovereignty for our tribal community.

    Providing locally roasted coffee online, and seasonal good food to CSA members on the Lummi Indian Reservation.

  • The Coffee

    Turtle has been roasting coffee for seventeen years. It all started in a Chemestry class. The science of coffee roasting is what got Turtle addicted to the challenge of extracting the flavors from various beans. This passion grows with every micro-batch roasted. Watching Turtle roast is like observing two entities having a conversation. Every crack of the beans has a meaning to Turtle and a special flavor to drinker.

  • The Garden

    Nutritious food choices, equity, and sustainable food systems. The need for food options and education about how to prepare nutritious food is in high demand. Many of the illnesses that are common on the reservation can be directly connected to the foods that are eaten. The loss of traditional foods included a wide variety of plant foods. The availability of healthy food choices is one of the barriers to healthy eating that can be most easily removed.

    Sustainable food systems are a very important part of a healthy community. Turtle's Coffee & Garden will provide a small number of CSA shares to people who would be able to give feedback to improve and streamline our CSA. If you are interdested in learning more about the garden please subcribe below.